Market research
  • Dedicated market research team
  • Precise market research
  • Specific methods for online and offline environments
  • Clear marketing targets
Advertising & marketing
  • Online and offline advertising
  • Text ads, browser pop-ups, complex banners and flash animations etc.
  • Marketing campaigns on all channels
  • Constant analysis of campaign results
Brand management
  • Dedicated brand management team
  • Strong brand management strategy
  • Constant and active collaboration between all involved teams
  • Long-term focus
Affiliate system
  • Comprehensive and flexible affiliate system
  • Focus on the European market
  • Wide spread affiliate network
  • Performance reports and other relevant statistics
Web design
  • Creative design team
  • Continuous improvements and constant new ideas
  • Trendy designs and up-to-date standards
  • Compatibility across many platforms
Web development
  • Skilled and well trained developer team
  • Vast knowledge of several programming languages
  • Amazing website functionality and rich customer experience on every visit
  • Easy to use Content Management System (CMS)
Hosting services
  • High bandwidth for dedicated or shared solutions
  • Low to non-existent downtimes
  • Dedicated team of security officers
  • 24/7 support service
Affliate Marketing

The Cragen Limited affiliate system provides specific affiliate management tools that you can use to track the performance of your partners and reward your top partners based on detailed financial information and sales statistics.

Online Advertising

The Cragen Limited affiliate system provides email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web banner advertising), and mobile advertising. Like other advertising media,

Social Media Marketing

The Cragen Limited affiliate system provides Social Media Marketing

All Services

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the marketing services offered by Cragen Limited.

Our marketing experts pride themselves with a flawless record offering top-tier marketing solutions for a wide range of businesses and always positive customer feedback!