
Top-tier custom marketing solutions!
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Market research

Understanding the market for your products is an important step in online and offline marketing. Our company’s dedicated market research team always provides the most accurate data and is fully aware that the specifics of the online environment require concise exploratory measures.

Clear primary and secondary market information coupled with vast knowledge of marketing effectiveness provide the basis for an exact analysis of all aspects of a particular market segment, bringing into view new insights for your product’s target values.

A review of your products in addition to a precise market research can help our experts produce clear market segments and smart product differentiation, allowing for clear and easy targets of product marketing.

Advertising & Marketing

A wide and various range of online advertising, starting from the very simple, like text ads and browser pop-ups, to complex banners and flash animations or dedicated webpages, can be put to use in promoting your products.

No matter your preference, online or offline ads, our advertising team will ensure that the ads they create will convey the right message about you products.

Combined with a good advertising campaign, a reliable marketing campaign can turn up new directions for your growing business. Our marketing campaigns cover relevant areas such as affiliate marketing (using our comprehensive affiliate system), e-mail marketing (using our complex yet accessible e-mail marketing system) or social media marketing.

E-mail marketing campaigns can raise brand awareness and increase the trust and loyalty of your current customers helping to evaluate their interest, while sharing the latest news and updates or details about your current and future promotions.

Allowing us to directly interact with current and potential customers, a social media marketing campaign is a great way of promoting your products and your company. Our team will constantly analyse the signals from all social media channels, which will help them asses and improve current and future campaigns.

Brand management

A well-defined brand will create a bond between your business and your customers as well as promote your brand’s value to potential future customer.

Strong and proper brand management can increase the sales of your business over the whole range of your products while creating a clear brand identity will give you higher visibility on the market and bring you one step ahead of your direct competitors.

Cragen Limited never underestimates the importance of brand management. Our dedicated department will construct a brand management strategy that will see to develop a good and clear relationship with your target audience and other potential customers on the global market.

Working closely with the design and marketing departments, the brand management team actively participates in creating design elements for your business such as your logo, your website, your overall product presentations and various other included branding elements.

With a guaranteed long-term brand management focus, Cragen Limited is set to raise brand awareness and define a distinct brand identity that will convey great value to your business, your products and your services.

Affiliate system

Our comprehensive affiliate system, focused especially on the European market, is a powerful tool that can be used to advance your business to a global market.

Although custom built for the specifics of the European market, the flexible features of our affiliate system can grow your business, bring new high-level partners and amplify the visibility of your products.

The Cragen Limited affiliate system provides specific affiliate management tools that you can use to track the performance of your partners and reward your top partners based on detailed financial information and sales statistics.

A top priority is constructing a wide affiliate network consisting of partners that are best suited for your business and your products. Constantly looking for new and trust-worthy partners to extend your affiliate network will result in an overall growth in sales and extended visibility of your products.

With our system you will always be in control and up-to-date with the direction of your business, being able to generate and export various performance reports, clear and easy to interpret, for any period you select.

Web design

Cragen Limited’s exceptionally creative team continuously improves their approach and ideas while employing the latest trends in ads or websites designs.

After a comprehensive analysis of your company and your products, the continuous flow of ideas and improvements will yield a design that perfectly fits your company and your products and send the right message.

Potential clients may first look you up on the web. Having a website that is up-to-date and in line with current design standards will make a good first impression.

Our team will scrutinize every single design element and all user interaction features in order to tailor the perfect design.

Trendy designs, coupled with cutting-edge programming standards and techniques, guarantee striking designs and websites that keep your visitors engaged and are fluid across all browsers, platforms and devices.

Our offer also includes fast loading Flash websites, with stunning visual effect and smooth interactions. Our dedicated and highly skilled department makes sure that the website is compatible across many platforms and gives visitors an impressive experience.

Web development

Cragen Limited’s skilled developers, extremely well trained and with vast knowledge of several programming languages, can bring amazing functionality to your website, ensuring your customers enjoy a rich experience on every visit.

Our offer on web development consists of standard website types such as portal websites, blogs, e-commerce websites, corporate websites etc., however, depending on what you need, we will give you the best solution.

A modular design is easy to manage via our complex content management system. In addition, you can benefit from a wide range of useful features, for example, view and export relevant statistics, or we can build new features that are constructed based on your specific requirements.

Our comprehensive content management system can help you perform quick and easy updates to any of your websites, if several are available, such as:

  • create, edit or delete pages
  • manage the main menu
  • add, edit or delete products and/or articles
  • manage promotions
  • manage images and logos
  • view statistics
Hosting services

In addition to high-quality, online and offline marketing, design and development services, Cragen Limited is offering high-bandwidth, dedicated or shared, hosting services.

Depending on predicted traffic volume, we can provide shared hosting – for normal and average traffic, or we can provide dedicated hosting – for above average to high traffic.

Whichever hosting solution best suits your company, we can guarantee low and even non-existent downtimes, secure back-ups and high-tech recovery techniques in case of unforeseen events.

A dedicated team of security officers always enforce the highest security levels for you data and for any existing back-ups.

Completing our set of solutions is a 24/7 support service, allowing for a quick response in solving any issues and safeguarding the continuity of service under any circumstances.